Porky Pig is a cartoon character in a series of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies from Warner Bros. production .. Porky Pig is the first character of the birth of screwball characters that appear in the 1930's with Daffy Duck.
This character describes a pig who is a friend of Daffy, and several other characters, especially Bugs Bunny, Sylvester, Tweety, Speedy Gonzales, and so on.
Initiated by Friz Freleng. Is the first cartoon I Have not Got a Hat, on 30 April 1938.
Porky has appeared in every episode of Looney Tunes cover. Each episode concludes with a drum with the words LOONEY TUNES and "Produced by", Leon Schlesinger. Porky then out of the drum, thus displaying the words "RELEASED BY Warner Bros. Pictures, INC
He is one of the many players looney tunes, of the many players this is Porky pig that has always been the butt of his friends he always stutter in diakarenakan said the words he has always menajadi targeted by his friends and yet he was always successful and his friends always fail if work on him.