The Looney Tunes baggage banny singing

The name "Bugs" or "Bugsy" as an ancient epithet means that "crazy" (or "crazy"). Some famous folks from the primary 1/2 the 20th century it had a nickname. currently out of fashion as a nickname, however survive within the year 1950-1960-phrases like "you're bothering me", as in "you're crazy" (quoted language from
The film is told in prayer that sooner or later sporting white gloves Bugs known solely to get rid of the Long-Haired Hare. during this episode, Bugs pretends to be a famous conductor Leopold Stokowski and instructs opera star "Giovanni Jones" to sing and to carry a high note. As Giovanni Jones is popping red with the strain, Bugs slips his left hand out of the gloves, leave the gloves within the air to command Jones to still hold high notes. Bugs then flank to drop an email to order, and then to receive, a combine of gloves ear. Bugs wear ear defenders and then zips back to the amphitheater and reinserts his hand into his glove as singer Jones writhing on the stage, still holds identical high notes).

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